Implementing Flood Control |
Nov 11, 2004 by Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski
This article was exclusively published on on 11th Nov 2004 The original location is:

INTRO | ![]() |
Accordingly to Merriam-Webster Online, "flood" means:
1: a rising and overflowing of a body of water especially onto normally dry land; 2: an overwhelming quantity or volume.In computer software there are very similar situations when an unpredictable and irregular flow of events can reach higher levels. Such situations usually are not comfortable for users, either slowing down systems or having other undesired effects.
Floods can occur from accessing web pages, requesting information from various sources (ftp lists, irc services, etc.), receiving SMS notification messages, and email processing. It is obvious that it is not possible to list all flood cases.
"Flood control" is a method of controlling the processing-rate of a stream of events. It can reject or postpone events until there are available resources (CPU, time, space, etc.) for them. Essentially the flood control restricts the number of events processed in a specific period of time.
Closing the Gates | ![]() |
To maintain flood control, you must calculate the flood ratio, which is:
Figure 1. Flood ratio equation:
now = ot + ( ec * fp ) / fc fr flood ratio ec event count tp time period for ecTo determine if a flood is occurring, compare the flood ratio to the fixed maximum (threshold) ratio. If the result is less than the threshold, there’s no flood. Accept the event. If the result is higher, refuse or postpone the event.
Figure 2. Comparing the ratios:
ec / tp < fc / fp ec event count tp time period for ec fc fixed event count (max) fp fixed time period for fcIt is possible to keep an array of timestamps of all events. Upon receipt of a new event, calculate the time period since the oldest event to use as the current count/time ratio. This approach has two drawbacks. The first is that it uses more and more memory to hold all of the timestamps. Suppose that you want only two events to happen inside a one-minute period, giving two events per minute. Someone can trigger a single event, wait half an hour, and finally flood you with another 58 requests. At this point the ratio will be 1.9/min., well below the 2/min. limit. This is the second drawback.
A better approach is to keep a sliding window either of events (fc) or time period (fp).
This period window requires an array of the last events. This array size is unknown. (The specific time units are not important, but the following examples use minutes.)
past now 1----2----3----4----5----6----7----8----9---> (min) e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7This timeline measures event timestamps. To calculate the flood ratio, you count events newer than the current time window of size fp. And check against a ratio of four events in three minutes:
Time now: 9 Time window: from 9-3 = 6 to now(9), so window is 6-9 Oldest event: e5 (not before 6) Event count: 3 (in 6-9 period) Flood ratio: 3/3This ratio of 3⁄3 is below the flood threshold of 4⁄3, so at this moment there is no flood. Perform this check at the last event to check. In this example, this event is e7. After each check, you can safely remove all events older than the time window to reduce memory consumption.
The other solution requires a fixed array of events with size fc. With our 4ev/3min example, then:
past now <--5----6----7----8----9---> (min) e4 e5 e6 e7The event array (window) is size 4. To check for a flood at e7, we use this:
Window size "fc": 4 First event time: e4 -> 5 Last event time: e7 -> 9 Time period "tp": 9-5 = 4 Flood ratio is: 4/4The ratio of 4⁄4 is also below the threshold of 4⁄3, so it’s OK to accept event e7. When you must check a new event, add it to the end of the event array (window) and remove the oldest one. If the new event would cause a flood, remember to reverse these operations.
If the flood check fails, you can find a point in the future when this check will be OK. This makes it possible to return some feedback information to the user indicating how much time to wait before the system will accept the next event:
Figure 3. Time until next event equation:
ec / ( now - ot ) = fc / fp ec event count (requests received, here equal to fc) fc fixed event count (max) fp fixed time period for fc now the future time point we search for ot oldest event time point in the array (event timestamp)Figure 4. Simplified time until next event equation:
now = ot + ( ec * fp ) /fcFigure 5. The time-to-wait equation:
wait = now - time time the actual current time (time of the new event) wait time period to wait before next allowed eventIf wait is positive, then this event should be either rejected or postponed. When wait is 0 or negative, it’s OK to process the event immediately.
The Code | ![]() |
In the following implementation I’ll use a slightly modified version of the sliding window of events. To avoid removing the last event and eventually replacing it after a failed check, I decided to check the current flood ratio with the existing events array and with the time of the new one:
past now <--5----6----7----8----9---> (min) e3 e4 e5 e6 (e7) fc: 4 (without e7) time: e4 -> 5 time: e7 -> 9 tp: 9-5 = 4 is: 4/4This seems a bit strange at first, but it works exactly as needed. The check is performed as if e6 is timed as e7, which is the worst case (the biggest time period for the fixed event window size). If the check passes, than after removing e3, the flood ratio will be always below the threshold!
Following this description I wrote a function to call for each request or event that needs flood control. It receives a fixed, maximum count of requests (the events window size) and a fixed time period. It returns how much time must elapse until the next allowed event, or 0 if it’s OK to process the event immediately.
This function should be generic, so it needs some kind of event names. To achieve this there is a third argument – the specific event name for each flood check.
Here is the actual code:
# this package hash holds flood arrays for each event name # hash with flood keys, this is the internal flood check data storage our %FLOOD; sub flood_check { my $fc = shift; # max flood events count my $fp = shift; # max flood time period for $fc events my $en = shift; # event name (key) which identifies flood check data $FLOOD{ $en } ||= []; # make empty flood array for this event name my $ar = $FLOOD{ $en }; # get array ref for event's flood array my $ec = @$ar; # events count in the flood array if( $ec >= $fc ) { # flood array has enough events to do real flood check my $ot = $$ar[0]; # oldest event timestamp in the flood array my $tp = time() - $ot; # time period between current and oldest event # now calculate time in seconds until next allowed event my $wait = int( ( $ot + ( $ec * $fp / $fc ) ) - time() ); if( $wait > 0 ) { # positive number of seconds means flood in progress # event should be rejected or postponed return $wait; } # negative or 0 seconds means that event should be accepted # oldest event is removed from the flood array shift @$ar; } # flood array is not full or oldest event is already removed # so current event has to be added push @$ar, time(); # event is ok return 0; }I’ve put this on the CPAN as Algorithm::FloodControl.
To test it, I wrote a simple program that accepts text, line by line, from standard input and prints each accepted line or the amount of time before the program will accept the next line.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Algorithm::FloodControl; while(<>) { # time is used to illustrate the results my $tm = scalar localtime; # exit on `quit' or `exit' strings exit if /exit|quit/i; # FLOOD CHECK: allow no more than 2 same lines in 10 seconds # here I use the actual data for flood event name! my $lw = flood_check( 2, 10, $_ ); if( $lw ) # local wait time { chomp; print "WARNING: next event allowed in $lw seconds (LOCAL CHECK for '$_')n"; next; } print "$tm: LOCAL OK: $_"; # FLOOD CHECK: allow no more than 5 lines in 60 seconds my $gw = flood_check( 5, 60, 'GLOBAL' ); if( $gw ) # global wait time { print "WARNING: next event allowed in $gw seconds (GLOBAL CHECK)n"; next; } print "$tm: GLOBAL OK: $_"; }I named this The of the test were: (">" marks my input lines)
cade@aenea:~$ ./ > hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:35 2004: LOCAL OK: hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:35 2004: GLOBAL OK: hello > hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:38 2004: LOCAL OK: hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:38 2004: GLOBAL OK: hello > hello WARNING: next event allowed in 5 seconds (LOCAL CHECK for 'hello') > bye Wed Feb 17 08:25:43 2004: LOCAL OK: bye Wed Feb 17 08:25:43 2004: GLOBAL OK: bye > hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:45 2004: LOCAL OK: hello Wed Feb 17 08:25:45 2004: GLOBAL OK: hello > see you Wed Feb 17 08:25:48 2004: LOCAL OK: see you Wed Feb 17 08:25:48 2004: GLOBAL OK: see you > next time Wed Feb 17 08:25:52 2004: LOCAL OK: next time WARNING: next event allowed in 43 seconds (GLOBAL CHECK) > one more try? Wed Feb 17 08:26:09 2004: LOCAL OK: one more try? WARNING: next event allowed in 26 seconds (GLOBAL CHECK) > free again Wed Feb 17 08:26:31 2004: LOCAL OK: free again WARNING: next event allowed in 4 seconds (GLOBAL CHECK) > free again Wed Feb 17 08:26:42 2004: LOCAL OK: free again Wed Feb 17 08:26:42 2004: GLOBAL OK: free againYou can see that I could not enter "hello" 3 times during the first 10 seconds but still I managed to enter one more "hello" a bit later (the 10-second flood had ended for the "hello" line) and 2 other lines before the global flood check triggered (5 lines for 1 minute). After 60 seconds, finally accepted my sixth line, "free again."
The next sections show how to use flood control in several applications. These examples are not exhaustive but are very common, so they will work as templates for other cases.
My Scores Please? | ![]() |
Imagine an IRC bot (robot) which can report scores from the local game servers. Generally this bot receives requests from someone inside IRC channel (a chat room, for those of you who haven�t used IRC) and reports current scores back to the channel. If this eventually becomes very popular, people will start requesting scores more frequently than it is useful just for fun, so there’s a clear need for flood control.
I’d prefer to allow any user to request scores no more than twice per minute, but at the same time I want to allow 10 requests total every two minutes:
sub scores_request { my $irc = shift; # the IRC connection which I communicate over # this is a Net::IRC::Connection object my $channel = shift; # the channel where "scores" are requested my $user = shift; # the user who requested scores # next line means: do flood check for $user and if it is ok, then # check for global flood. this is usual Perl idiom. my $wait = flood_check( 2, 60, $user ) || flood_check( 10, 120, '*' ); if( $wait ) # can be 0 or positive number so this check is simple { # oops flood detected, report this personally to the user $irc->notice( $user, "please wait $wait seconds" ); } else { # it is ok, there is no flood, print scores back to the channel $irc->privmsg( $channel, get_scores() ); } }This code uses the Net::IRC module, so if you want to know the details of the notice() and privmsg() functions, check the module documentation. This is good example of combining events, but it works correctly only if the second flood ratio (in this case 10⁄120) is greater than first one (2⁄60). Otherwise you should extend the flood_check() function with an array of events to check in one loop, so if any of them fails the internal storage will update. Perhaps Algorithm::FloodControl will have such a feature in the future.
Another common case is to limit the execution of resource-consuming web scripts (CGI).
(Don’t) Flood the Page! | ![]() |
If you want to limit CGI-script execution you will hit a problem: you must save and restore the flood-control internal data between script invocations. For this reason the Algorithm::FloodControl module exports another function called flood_storage(), which can get or set the internal data.
In this example I’ll use two other modules, Storable and LockFile::Simple. I use the first to save and restore the flood-control data to and from disk files and the second to lock this file to avoid corruptions if two or more instances of the script run at the same time:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Storable qw( store retrieve ); use LockFile::Simple qw( lock unlock ); use Algorithm::FloodControl; # this is the file that should keep the flood data though /tmp is not # the perfect place for it my $flood_file = "/tmp/flood-cgi.dat"; # this is required so the web browser will know what is expected print "Content-type: text/plainnn"; # I wanted to limit the script executions per remote IP so I have to # read it from the web server environment my $remote_ip = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; # first of all--lock the flood file lock( $flood_file ); # now read the flood data if flood file exists my $FLOOD = retrieve( $flood_file ) if -r $flood_file; # load flood data into the internal storage flood_storage( $FLOOD ) if $FLOOD; # do the actual flood check: max 5 times per minute for each IP # this is the place where more checks can be done my $wait = flood_check( 5, 60, "TEST_CGI:$remote_ip" ); # save hte internal data back to the disk store( flood_storage(), $flood_file ); # and finally unlock the file unlock( $flood_file ); if( $wait ) { # report flood situation print "You have to wait $wait seconds before requesting this page again.n"; exit; } # there is no flood, continue with the real work here print "Hello, this is main script here, local time is:n"; print scalar localtime; print "n...n";There are various issues to consider, such as the save/restore method, time required, and locking, but in any case the scheme will be similar. Beep, Beep, Beep...
In this last example I’ll describe a small program, a variation of which I use for (email) SMS notifications. I wanted to avoid scanning large mail directories so I made my email filter copy incoming messages into a separate folder. The program scans this copy folder every 10 minutes for new messages. If there are any, it sends a notification for each one to my mobile phone and removes the copy of the message.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Algorithm::FloodControl; our $MAIL_ROOT = '/home/cade/mail'; our @SCAN = ( { # this is my personal mail, I'd like to be notified often FOLDER => 'Personal2', # directory (mail folder) to scan FC => 20, # fixed event count FP => 60*60, # fixed time period, 1 hour }, { # this is a mailing list, I don't need frequent notifications FOLDER => 'AList2', # directory (mail folder) to scan FC => 3, # fixed event count FP => 20*60, # fixed time period, 20 minutes } ); while(4) { process_folder( $_ ) for @SCAN; sleep(10*60); # sleep 10 minutes } sub process_folder { my $hr = shift; # this is hash reference my $fc = $hr->{ 'FC' }; my $fp = $hr->{ 'FP' }; my $folder = $hr->{ 'FOLDER' }; my @msg = glob "$MAIL_ROOT/$folder/*"; return unless @msg; # no messages found for( @msg ) { # there are new messages, so flood check is required my $wait = flood_check( $fc, $fp, $folder ); if( $wait ) { # skip this pass if non-zero wait time is received for this folder print "FLOOD! $wait seconds required.n"; return; } send_sms( $folder, $_ ); } } sub send_sms { my $folder = shift; my $file = shift; # implementation of this function is beyond the scope of this example # so I'll point just that it extracts subject line from the message file # and sends (over local sms gateway) text including folder name, time # and subject unlink( $file ); print "SMS: $folder, $filen"; }As you can see, this code – while implementing a totally different task – has exactly the same flood check as in the previous two examples.
OUTRO | ![]() |
Flood control has a vast field of applications. There are many cases where it is appropriate or even necessary. There is no excuse to avoid such checks; implementing it is not hard at all.
LICENSE | ![]() |
This work is licensed under: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Splash image is "Accumulating Hell" by Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski: Image is used under: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) License