Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Statistics

This page has been generated on Thu Jun 2 02:56:00 2005

| online status | top scores | top ranks | last games | players (long!) | clans | kills/deaths/ratio | sides/classes | maps |
| weapons | covert operations | top kills per minute | frag spree | noise | jerks | time waste | hall of shame |
| sides played | 'no friends' ladder | 'harvest' ladder |

Welcome to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server statistics!

game at Sat Jul 19 00:17 2003 on goldrush map, 08 players


1 Sat Jul 19 00:16:44 2003 Black Wolf has referee status
2 Sat Jul 19 00:16:44 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: e na mene mi se sluchi na turnira
3 Sat Jul 19 00:18:48 2003 sayteam: zas: off uspeh
4 Sat Jul 19 00:18:55 2003 sayteam: Masada: np
5 Sat Jul 19 00:19:14 2003 sayteam: Lg-DarkSoul: cade mersi ti choveche
6 Sat Jul 19 00:20:16 2003 sayteam: [LUD]DEMENTED: abe kyw e toia dinamit...poprawete tanka
7 Sat Jul 19 00:20:36 2003 say: Lg-DarkSoul: shteshe li da obezvredish ?
8 Sat Jul 19 00:21:17 2003 sayteam: scorpion: comand post!
9 Sat Jul 19 00:21:20 2003 say: Black Wolf: biah nadeleche ne ti vijdah oryjieto
10 Sat Jul 19 00:21:25 2003 say: Lg-DarkSoul: :)
11 Sat Jul 19 00:21:27 2003 say: Black Wolf: a nashe ne sa vischki v edin fire team
12 Sat Jul 19 00:23:56 2003 sayteam: Lg-DarkSoul: debil
13 Sat Jul 19 00:25:38 2003 sayteam: zas: masada are pochvame gi
14 Sat Jul 19 00:26:00 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: haha:p
15 Sat Jul 19 00:26:08 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: pone oprawih tanka
16 Sat Jul 19 00:26:30 2003 sayteam: Masada: ee zas shto kaza taq dumichka
17 Sat Jul 19 00:27:21 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: igraeme dosta poweche...:(
18 Sat Jul 19 00:27:26 2003 sayteam: [LUD]CADE: zlatoto
19 Sat Jul 19 00:28:16 2003 sayteam: [LUD]CADE: demented: axis?
20 Sat Jul 19 00:28:22 2003 sayteam: [LUD]DEMENTED: aide
21 Sat Jul 19 00:28:59 2003 say: Masada: scorpione kade e zas
22 Sat Jul 19 00:28:59 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: cade, ela:))
23 Sat Jul 19 00:29:03 2003 say: [LUD]CADE: idvam
24 Sat Jul 19 00:29:13 2003 say: Festar8: ha-ha
25 Sat Jul 19 00:29:27 2003 say: [LUD]CADE: ama nqkoi trqbva da mine allies mai
26 Sat Jul 19 00:29:27 2003 say: aihman: bye
27 Sat Jul 19 00:29:31 2003 say: scorpion: igrae kontra
28 Sat Jul 19 00:29:40 2003 say: [LUD]DEMENTED: shto be...shte padne gawra:)

Note: Statistics data for last days only is used.
Note: Limit is set to top 50 entries (the rest are counted but not shown).
Empty servers are not counted unless for global server lists.
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