track-time.pl is useful for planning tape recording sessions... ;) it takes text file with track-lists and calculate tracks time. it can recognize tape side labels similar to: side A side B tape 1 tape 2 etc.it looks for minutes:seconds pattern on each line, sums them and report at the end of the file or at the end each "side"/"tape" chapter.
Sample input file could look like this:
side A: rock threshold -- ashes -- 6:49 spock's beard -- something very strange -- 8:23 the tangent -- tech support guy -- 5:50 anathema -- untouchable part 1 -- 6:14 rush -- the wreckers -- 5:01 ozric tentacles -- lemon kush -- 6:15 arena -- one last au revoir -- 4:37 side B: slow the tangent -- skipping the distance -- 8:55 van der graaf generator -- house with no door -- 6:03 arena -- what if -- 4:34 jethro tull -- budapest -- 10:05 eureka -- going home -- 5:10 syn -- city of dreams -- 9:38 side C: extra van der graaf generator -- killer -- 8:07
track-time.pl progressive-tape-1.txt
side A: rock ============= 6:49 -- threshold -- ashes -- 6:49 8:23 -- spock's beard -- something very strange -- 8:23 5:50 -- the tangent -- tech support guy -- 5:50 6:14 -- anathema -- untouchable part 1 -- 6:14 5:01 -- rush -- the wreckers -- 5:01 6:15 -- ozric tentacles -- lemon kush -- 6:15 4:37 -- arena -- one last au revoir -- 4:37 43:09 side B: slow ============= 8:55 -- the tangent -- skipping the distance -- 8:55 6:03 -- van der graaf generator -- house with no door -- 6:03 4:34 -- arena -- what if -- 4:34 10:05 -- jethro tull -- budapest -- 10:05 5:10 -- eureka -- going home -- 5:10 9:38 -- syn -- city of dreams -- 9:38 44:25 side C: extra ============== 8:07 -- van der graaf generator -- killer -- 8:07 8:07
I've never believed I will return to cassette tapes in 2013 :) and for some reasons... et voila! I dusted off my SONY TC-K590 3-head tape deck, changed the wide belt and the main motor, found forgotten, brand new TDK SA90 cassette and recorded few songs from the CDs on my desk. planning track-lists for both sides led to creation of track-time.pl and the next 90 minutes for the web site and listening yet again of the songs mentioned in the SAMPLEs chapters. so "never" seems to happen a bit frequently... :))
Vladi Belperchinov-Shabanski "Cade" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> <[email protected]> http://cade.datamax.bg |